If You Hire 5 or More People a Year, This Will Be the Most Important Book You'll Ever Read

New book reveals how to hire A-Players without the risk of a bad hire

Uncover strategies for making well-informed hiring decisions so you only hire the best people.
Learn to identify candidates who seamlessly align with your company's culture.
Develop the skill to cut-through rehearsed answers to reveal a candidate's true potential.
Discover effective methods to attract and engage top-tier talent in your job opportunities.
Master the art of rapport-building to make top candidates eager to join your team.

From the Desk of Don Georgevich:

Dear Entrepreneur,

I'm really excited you're here because I want to show you the simplest way to hire the very best people.

As a former IT project manager who faced the challenge of building effective teams, I understand the complexities of hiring and developed a streamlined approach to attracting and hiring the top talent.

The breakthrough came when I shifted focus from traditional, skill-heavy job descriptions to prioritizing cultural fit and shared values.

This led to hiring individuals who were not just qualified but genuinely passionate about their work and aligned with our company's vision.

We discovered that employees who are enthusiastic about their roles contribute more, stay longer, and consistently perform at their peak.

Who would have thought such a thing?

This revelation led us to rethink our hiring process. 

So, we shifted our emphasis from ticking boxes on skills and experience to assessing cultural fit and shared values as they aligned with our top performers.

We sought individuals who not only fit the job on paper but who also resonated with our vision, brought energy to our team, and had a genuine passion for their work.

Hiring such individuals doesn't just fill a position; it propels your entire business forward, igniting employee morale and driving growth.

But how can you replicate this success in your own hiring practices? 

The answer lies in understanding the art of identifying, attracting, and retaining top talent.

I invite you to explore this methodology with my book, "The Seven Master Steps to Hiring A-Players." 

This guide is crafted to take you through each pivotal stage of the hiring process, ensuring you're equipped to hire people who will not only excel in their roles but also elevate your company to new heights.

This book is your roadmap to identifying, attracting, and retaining the kind of talent that can elevate your business to new heights.

Don Georgevich

Don Georgevich

Inside: The Seven Master Steps to Hiring A-Players

This system will transform your business by enabling you AND your team to quickly and easily hire the best people imaginable.

I’m NOT just talking about hiring smart people.

I’m talking about attracting A-Players to your opportunity.

Here's just a taste of what you can expect inside the Seven Master Steps to Hiring A Players...

Only spend your time with the best people

3 questions to ask yourself before you hire anyone that will guide you in making an informed hiring decision. (Page 11)
Stop attracting C-Players. Instead, write job postings that attract A-Players and repel C-players. (Page 23)
How to get passed candidates who seem polished and rehearsed. (Page 68, 82)
They KEY to hiring A-Players starts with a job scorecard. Here's how to write one so you can equally measure and evaluate all candidates. (Page 15)
Most employers exhaust candidates with too many questions. Here's how to get the details you want without asking MORE questions. (Page 153)
STOP spending your time with the wrong people. How to properly phone-screen candidates in minutes and spend your time with the RIGHT people. (Page 47)
How to write magnetic job invitations that attract A-Players. (Page 27)

Interview tactics

To attract and hire the best people, you MUST capture their interest. Money isn't it.  Get all the details on (page 29)
When making a job offer, WHY hearing NO is better than YES. (Page 121)
Stop wasting your time on C-Players. Here's how... (Page 44)
This word-for-word phone interview script qualifies job prospects in under 20 minutes. (Page 50)
Did you ever LIKE a candidate, but they failed the interview? Give them second chance without wasting your time. (Page 60)
How to use competency interviews to predict WHO will be the most successful in the role.  (Page 61)
Ask ONLY questions that are predictive of future success. (Page 63)
Why you should avoid asking brain teaser questions, like: How many ping pong balls can fit inside a jumbo jet.  (Page 63)

Selling your opportunity

3 simple steps to creating your own interview guide that allows you to conduct structured and consistent interviews. (Page 65.)
Talent is more important than skill.  Here's why... (Page 106)
How to SELL your opportunity to attract A-Players. (Page 65, 106)
Get the exact questions I use to discover and hire the best people. (Page 68, 84, 95, 103)
How to ask questions without annoying your candidate. (Page 85)
Here's the right way to dig through a candidate's college years. (Page 69)
Why you shouldn't hire anyone who isn't extremely enthusiastic about your opportunity. (Page 52, 95)

Hiring the best people

How to take a candidate's temperature to know if they're really excited about your opportunity. (Page 120)
Never hire anyone without conducting an audition, first.  Here's the easiest way to do it: (Page 115)
DON'T just make an offer, but one they can’t refuse. Here's how to reel them in.  (Page 132)
When the obvious candidate is not a clear choice. Your answer to this single question will make the decision for you. (Page 112)
Asking the right questions is not enough.  Here's how to ask great questions where you'll learn more. (Page 65)
Make job offers to A-Players they accept without hesitation or negotiation. (Page 132)
Most employers ask YES/NO questions, but those are the worst ones to ask.  Learn why on (page 73)

It makes NO DIFFERENCE what industry, profession, or service you're in.

It works in


top 10 questions works for all ecommerce jobs

It works for

Tech Hiring

top 10 questions works for all tech jobs

It works in


top 10 questions works for all manufacturing

It works in:

Fortune 500
Small business
Local Govt.
How to hire the best people

When you put it into action, I think you'll be amazed at...

How you can find A-Players simply by asking questions that are predictive of success
How you can get candidates craving your opportunity...
How easy it is to avoid a bad hire
How to get passed rehearsed answers
How to spend your time with only the best people
And best of all, how to make an informed hiring decision

Here's what to do next

The "cost" of this 158 page eBook is $27.60, and you get it instantly as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an automated receipt with a link in your email to download the book.

You can access it immediately without having to wait for the mail man.

You're getting the most advanced hiring system

The actual success predicting questions I use to discover A-Players.
You’ll see the scripts I use to conduct 20-minute phone screen interviews
You’ll get the reference calling scripts I use to vet candidates
I’ll give you several ideas for creating your own candidate test drive
I’ll give you a sample job scorecard and show you how to create your own
You’ll see how I write job propositions that attract A-Players like a magnet

But it gets better because you’re also getting...

A candidate pipeline system

At the end of the book, you’re getting a complete blueprint for creating your own pipeline that allows you to find and hire A-Players in DAYS, not weeks or months...

... And you’ll save the $30,000 recruiter fee.

This top strategy is used by Amazon, Google, Southwest Airlines, Apple, and countless others.

This simple, but effective system has allowed my clients to attract, hire, and retain the best people in their industry.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, of course there's a guarantee.

100% Risk Free Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

I’ll take all the risk on this.

If you don’t feel that the "Seven Master Steps to Hiring A Players" is worth 10 times what you invested, drop me an email within 30 days of getting the eBook and I’ll refund your $27.60. No questions asked.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back.

Fair enough?

I bent over backwards to create this book...

… literally pouring into it everything I know about attracting, interviewing and hiring the best people.

Simply put... it works.

Exactly What You’re Getting

There’s no fluff or filler – just battle-tested interviewing tactics that work by allowing you identify and hire the best people for your business.

Go through these exercises with your team to add clarity and depth to your candidate search.

And by the time you’ve completed them, you’ll be ready to conduct effective interviews.

And when you use it, two things will happen:

First, you’ll learn to make informed hiring decisions that result in hiring the best people.

This is really important to you because it allows you to hire people who genuinely want to work for you and are likely to become a long-term employee.

The next thing you’ll notice is this:

Your company culture will evolve and your employees will LOVE working there and...

...they will start spreading the word about how great it is to work here.

When that happens, you'll have more A-Players knocking at your door than you can handle.

The Seven Master Steps to Hiring A Players

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Don Georgevich

PS: In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to bottom, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 158-page book that shows you how to attract, interview and hire the best people, even if you've never conducted an interview before.

The book is $27.60.

This system can be used by anyone, for any size company. You could be a start-up tech company, a small or large business, a hospital, the federal government, a church, a library, or a non-profit, etc.

It does not matter what business you are in because this system works in any environment where people are hired.

I’m walking you through a simple seven step system that shows you how to spend your time with the best people and hire A-Players.

What's important about this is, it teaches you how to learn more about a candidate, their motivations, and decision-making process - before you hire them.

It doesn't use any hard-line interview tactics or any of the typical stuff you might associate with interviews.  (And in my experience, it simply works better.)

I’m walking you through a pipeline system I created that will eliminate your need to rely on recruiters, thus saving you tens of thousands of dollars every year.

This is a very limited offer because it's a marketing test for a new product.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back the $27.60. You don't even need to send the book back.

Click here and claim your copy now. This will be the best business investment you'll ever make.

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